S.T.E.A.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) Based Education helps students to improve & enhance their analytical and reasoning skills as it carries real life experiences and situations.
Blue Mountain Elementary makes a concerted effort in SCIENCE and nature. Our students are out in nature regularly, whether experiencing outdoor education or experimenting indoors. Our students are also involved in various Science related projects throughout the year.
We believe exposing students to various tools of TECHNOLOGY, like computers, iPads, e-readers, and apps and through guided learning these tools become an important part of education. We believe in the whole-child approach to teaching children about technology; making connections to real-world activities.
Children are natural-born engineers with their love of wanting to build things. When children engineer in a school setting, research suggests positive results in several areas, particularly in the application of what they know about science and math. At Blue Mountain Elementary ENGINEERING takes the form of learning about and building using 3-D printing, coding with Makerbot M'bots, and working on networking with Visio. These learning activities are based on real-world technologies and problems. It helps children see how disciplines like math and science are relevant to their lives.
Students enjoy releasing their creative talents during ART exploration and education. At BME we use a variety of mediums to learn more about the student's world and their Creator. The children work independently and cooperatively to construct artistic expressions of their learning.
At BME we encourage students to master the basics and create a spark of imagination in problem solving skills, logical thinking and having a strong standard- driven MATHEMATICS curriculum.
Using S.T.E.M., students think creatively and solve problems, achieve higher grades, and tend to develop a healthy self-esteem through self-expression. Students conquer fears and learn through consistent practice that risks and hard work often pay off in the end.